Why choose aluminium?
Aluminium was always a popular choice for design projects. And now aluminium windows become a choice for architects, developers and private investments. Aluminium windows with its slim design and multitude of RAL colors, went a long way since the 1970s. Over the years aluminium made a great progress with regard to energy-efficiency and design. Large glazing and unusual constructions are now within arm’s reach for every homeowner who wants to reach an impressive result.
Aluminium windows: light, strong, durable
Despite its lightness, aluminium windows guarantee high quality and durability. Aluminium constructions are resistant for corrosions and other external factors. Additionally they meet the requirements when it comes to burglary and bulletproof. Therefore, by choosing aluminium windows, the homeowner can be sure that, even after many years of usage, they will still function properly, ensuring style and performance without compromises.

Aluminium windows ensure high resistance to negative weather conditions, such as temperature fluctuations, rainfall or snowfall and strong winds, without the need for frequent maintenance of aluminium constructions. Therefore, the parameters of aluminium constructions do not deteriorate even after many years, thanks to their tightness to weather conditions. We also us appropriate insulators in the aluminium constructions. Thanks to enormous progress over the years, current production technologies have helped to improve thermal insulation in aluminium constructions. The use of thermal partitions allowed to prevent heat loss.

Aluminium windows: dimensions, style, colors
Aluminium constructions have practically no restrictions when it comes to dimensions. Due to its durability, aluminium enables usage of large glazing in aluminium constructions up to 3 meters high. Such a solution gives the homeowner an opportunity to use large glazing, that will provide bigger access of light to the property and make the room more spacious.
Aluminium windows are custom-made and can be easily shaped. That gives almost unlimited design possibilities. Durability and unusual aluminium constructions can easily hold large glass panes.
An important aspect in choosing aluminium windows for the style and architecture of your home, is color. Aluminium offers a wide range of colors for aluminium systems, starting from RAL colors, through DÉCOR colors, and ending with modern anode, not forgetting the easy to maintain and scratch resistant Coatex.

Green option
Aluminium is the most sustainable material and is 100% recyclable. Unlike other materials, aluminium does not lose its properties during recycling, and uses only 5% of the energy needed to produce primary aluminium. This means that recycling can help to avoid 8 tons of carbon dioxide emissions for every ton of aluminium. Additionally aluminium windows and doors are almost always recovered after their useful life. The aluminium obtained in this way can be recycled. This ensures the availability of raw material and energy saving for the benefit of future generations.
Why choose Alupanorama?
We are a company with many years of experience, offering the highest quality and performance of our products. Our employees will quickly and professionally fulfill the order, while maintaining high production quality, thanks to their experience and professional machines.
We approach each client individually, help and advice in choosing the right product that meets even the most demanding criteria.